Bring the Storm!

shrapnel ❀ they/them ❀ white
ace-flux ❀ gray-aro ❀ agender

Hiya! I'm Shrapnel, 29, & I'm an ace hobbyist cosplayer, fanfic writer, and ever-tired grad student.I love being in zines, both as a moderator and a contributor. I mostly participate as a writer and writing mod,
but sometimes you'll catch me running socials or hosting as well!
I'm also fairly new to cosplaying regularly, but I've been doing it off and on for years now (mostly as an excuse to go all-out on Halloween)For fic, I mostly write about Pokémon & Final Fantasy VII atm. Maybe someday I'll write for SK8 again...


༺❀༻ Zines ༺❀༻

I've been participating in zines since 2020. Since then, I have not only grown my writing skills, but also gained experience as a writing mod, a social media mod, an organizational mod, and most recently as a host/head mod. Listed here is all of my zine experience. You can click here to scroll down to zines I was a contributor only for, and click here to scroll down to non-zine community writing projects I've taken part in!

༺❀༻ Moderator ༺❀༻

ZineRoleFandom + ThemeStatus
Fairy Stories• Host
• Writing Lead
Magick, Mysticism, Lore,
& Fairy Tales | Fic Anthology
Formatting Period!
Winter Wonderland vol.2Organization ModPokémon
Holiday Food & Treats
Zine Launched, Free Digital Distribution
Death is Only The Beginning• Host
• Writing Mod
The Mummy (1999)
25th Anniversary
Zine Launched, Free Digital Distribution
Fulminate• Writing Mod
• Social Media Mod
• Org & Comms Mod
Final Fantasy XVI
Leftover Sales Open thru 2/28/25
Winter Wonderland vol.1Writing ModPokémon
Winter & Winter Holidays
Zine Launched, Free Digital Distribution
Hall of FameSocial Media ModPokémon
Pokémon League Champions
Donated USD $1,015 to First Place for Youth
Homemade in Hyrule vol.2• Writing Mod
• Social Media Mod
Legend of Zelda
Home Cooking
Donated USD $5979 to Action Against Hunger
Roach's DelightsSocial Media ModOur Flag Means Death
Production Period
You Wear Fine Things WellWriting ModOur Flag Means Death
Ed Teach/Stede Bonnet
Productoin Period
Homemade in Hyrule vol.1Writing ModLegend of Zelda
Home Cooking
Donated USD $3266 to Action Against Hunger

༺❀༻ contributor ༺❀༻
as a writer


Fairy Stories
(Host + Writing Mod)
Magick, Mysticism, Lore & Fairy Tales
Fic Anthology
Formatting Periodcoming soon!
Of Fantasy and Monster
❀ guest ❀
Final Fantasy VII CrossoverDonated USD $1,300 to Cool Earthalter the course
Hall of Fame
(Social Media Mod)
Pokémon League Champions
Donated USD $1,015 to First Place for YouthSolid Execution
Fairy Dust & Iron RustFairy- and Steel-Type PokémonDonated USD $1,325 to the Colon Cancer Coalitionbrick by brick
PokéGeistGhost-Type PokémonDonated USD $1168.21 to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospitalif you're looking for a fright
(turn off the light)
Winds of HoennHoenn RegionDonated USD $24,000 to Ocean ConservancyFortree CityPacifidlog Town
Meteor FallsDrake
CometAstrologyAll Zines Shipped; Completestrike the match (play it loud)
Let's Go Johto!Johto RegionFor-Profit; Completei've been searching for something
taken out of my soul
EclipseDark-Type PokémonDonated USD $1445.61 to the Navajo Water Projecti am seeing in me now (the things
you swore you saw yourself)
DaydreamsOriginal CharactersCancelledn/a
Bug Off!Bug-Type PokémonDonated USD $3353.40 to the
Xerces Society
Champion Time!Champion LeonDonated USD $1301.84 to Red
Cross Ukraine
(tear down) these
monuments we've built


ZineFandom + ThemeStatusWork
Sky is the Limit
❀ guest ❀
Legend of Zelda
Tears of the Kingdom
Leftovers Soon!f r e e f a l l
You're Not Alone
❀ guest ❀
Final Fantasy IX
22nd Anniversary
Donated USD $3000 to the JED Foundation; matched for a total of USD $6000!Honor Amongst Thieves
Let's Smile Together
❀ guest ❀
Sanrio Characters
Zine Launched, Free Digital DistributionColoring Outside
the Lines
Inexorably DrawnHades
Donated USD $4732 to The
Foundation for AIDS Research
faces look ugly
(when you're alone)
Spring TidesOur Flag Means Death
Acceptance & Community
Production Period
+ free digital
copies available on
for the moon never beams
(without bringing me deams)
Homemade in Hyrule vol.1
(Writing Mod)
Legend of Zelda
Home Cooking
Donated USD $3266 to Action Against Hungerremember, remember (this is now)
Let's Go Together!SK8 the Infinity
Found Family
Donated USD
to StopAAPIHate
to dwell in possibility (where
do i go from here?)

༺❀༻Other Projects༺❀༻

ProjectFandom + TypeStatusWork
KBNZ ExchangePokemon
CompleteUnder the Stars
for Jonelin
MatchaBlossom ExchangeSK8 the Infinity
Completewe should just kiss like real people do
for bitterheart
Sk8 Big BangSK8 the Infinity
Big Bang
Completeit's where you go to rest your bones
+ art by fishnobi
MatchaBlossom Reverse BangSK8 the Infinity
Big Bang
Postingjust kiss me slowly
+ art by Embarrk

༺❀༻ Pokémon ༺❀༻

click image for more info, ao3 links, + sharing links

༺❀༻ Pokémon Zine Pieces ༺❀༻

click image for more info, ao3 links, + sharing links

༺❀༻ SK8 the Infinity ༺❀༻

click image for more info, ao3 links, + sharing links

༺❀༻ The Legend of Zelda ༺❀༻

click image for more info, ao3 links, + sharing links

༺❀༻ Final Fantasy ༺❀༻

click image for more info, ao3 links, + sharing links

༺❀༻ Our Flag Means Death ༺❀༻

click image for more info, ao3 links, + sharing links

༺❀༻ Final Fantasy Fanfic ༺❀༻

gen | 2k | T
July–November 2023

Absol, for all the terror its appearance strikes in the teens, is beautiful. Thick, glossy white fur shifts as it turns its back on Cloud and Tifa, silver horn glinting in the harsh sunlight. Its glare burns into the reactor door before it lifts its head and lets out a mournful howl.༺❀༻

It's a mission to his hometown. Easy-peasy, as Zack said, even if Cloud is hiding his face in embarassment. And then, while he's guarding the reactor, an Absol descends from the mountain, its eyes fixed on the reactor. An exploration of how things might go a little differently in a Pokemon-fusion FFVII world.

gen | 3k | T
September 2022–January 2023

"It’s a two-day job — a day’s travel there and back, and we pull the job overnight. It’ll be a long couple a’days.”
“That’s fine.”
“It’s on you to sort an alibi and cover your ass up at the castle.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get it sorted, old man!” Eiko slaps her hands flat on the table and stands up on her chair to lean forward more, ignoring Baku’s guffaw. “What’s the job, already?”
Baku turns to the side and sneezes, then looks up at Eiko with a grin.
“We’re gonna rob the King’s estate.”

Tantalus enlists Eiko's help with a heist that ends up carrying far more weight for her than she ever imagined.

༺❀༻ Pokemon Fanfic ༺❀༻

gen | 871 | T
March 2022

Single battles aren’t my forte - I’m far more used to each Pokémon complementing the other, attacks at the ready to cover for one another’s weaknesses. Single battles feel so limiting - like trying to waltz alone, or sing each part in a duet by yourself.As I watch Emmet lean to his left, instinctively, with the lurch of the train, I remember that Emmet, likely, feels much the same as I do.༺❀༻

Regarding Fallers and the empty spaces left behind. A "memoir" in first-person. Mild spoilers for Legends Arceus.

raileon, sonnessa | wip | M
January 2021 - present

Raihan just wants to reconnect with their dad. Nessa just wants to come out to their parents. When the press starts to get wind of Sonia and Nessa's relationship, they come up with a plan to throw the media off their scent.If the media is busy focusing on Sonia and Raihan's "relationship", they're not focusing on outing Nessa, and Raihan and Nessa both get some time to talk to their parents and come out on their own terms.Simple, and easy.They didn't account for the fact that Leon has been head over heels in love with Raihan for years, nor did they think that Piers would go behind their backs to tell Leon.
The "simple and easy fake dating plan" gets thrown out the window very quickly.

Written for Jonelin for the KBNZ Secret Valentine'skbnz | 1.7k | T
January - February 2022

Raihan looks back over his shoulder and smiles softly. “We’re almost there, I promise.”
They’ve been wandering the drafty castle halls for nearly twenty minutes, taking winding paths and traipsing up and down staircases. Raihan’s got Piers’s fingers laced in his, a picnic basket in hand full of their dinner, and is leading the march. The tower he’s aiming for isn’t particularly tall, but does require a fair few passageways to get to.

Raihan and Piers finally have their no-Dynamax rematch - loser buys dinner.

raileon | 2.4k | G
January 2021

He later realizes that he’d never considered the strawberries adorning Alcremie’s head as anything other than decoration. They are, in fact, quite similar to real strawberries, with the same genetic breakdown and the same scent and taste. The aroma comes off of the Ruby Swirl Alcremie in waves, and soon enough Leon can feel the dry itch starting in the back of his throat.༺❀༻

Leon is allergic to strawberries. This isn't a problem until Opal's Alcremie decides she can't sleep anywhere but Leon's arms.

sonnessa, raileon | 6.5k | T
December 2020

Ink and lyrics and illuminations join the feathers and scales, dotting the clouds with gold as they pass. They will remain in the stars, remnants of an old life now gone. And she, she will be reborn.
She will be whole again, with Knowledge by her side.

Or, the reincarnated goddesses Sonia/Nessa au that no one asked for

raileon | wip | T
September 2020

Leon waves off his concern. “I’m fine, really. That kid though… the one with the Pikachu. He Gigantamaxed his Pikachu, with no Dynamax band.”Raihan blinks in surprise. “No Dynamax band?” At Leon’s nod, he turns around again. One of the kids is now standing, tossing a Pokéball at a nearby Skwovet. His friend does not react, and the Pokéball-thrower is clearly upset.༺❀༻

Raihan's pining and attempts to woo Leon while Leon is very distracted looking out for Ash.
AKA 'the anime messed up my babies, let's fix it'

༺❀༻ Pokemon Zine Fanfic ༺❀༻

Written for Champion Time!, a Leon Pokemon Zine

gen | 1.6k | G
December 2020 - March 2021

“Look, I get it,” he says. “I know how you feel. I still feel responsible for what Rose did, too, but it’s neither of our faults—”
“How can you know how I feel?” Bede slams his hands on the desk. He leans forward, cheeks flushed with anger. “He cared about you! He loved you! It’s all he could talk about for ten bloody years! How fantastic you are! How can you possibly know what it’s like to have the one person you want to care about you not even remember your name?”

Or, Leon and Bede talk after the Champion Cup finals.

Written for Bug Off!, a Bug-Type Pokemon Zine

gen | 2.5k | T
May - August 2021

Falkner glances over his shoulder, only to come nose-to-mandible with a Venomoth. He trips over his own feet and falls, staring in horror at the moth looming over him. Her wings beat through the air, rushing wind over Falkner’s trembling form. She quickly loses interest and turns back to her trainer. Falkner rises on shaky legs.
“…Falkner?” Falkner twitches, turning to face Bugsy. His eyes are glued to the retreating Venomoth. “Are you… afraid of bugs?”

Bugsy is now running the Bug-Catching Contest, an event near and dear to him. Whitney and Falkner show up to support him, and he learns new things about his friends.

Written for Eclipse, a Dark-Type Pokemon Zine

gen | 2.5k | T
October 2021 - March 2022

Piers shivers in the damp chill. The breeze rolls in from Circhester Bay, blowing icy cold air over the grass surrounding Spikemuth. Piers is grateful he doesn’t have to go far from home for this – though the short distance hadn’t made him any more inclined to bring Marnie along on this little excursion. He’d left her at home, Raihan in charge of babysitting her, while he came out here to the thick, tall grass.All in search of this: the tiny, dark purple mouse that sits before him, glowering with red eyes and sparks dancing along her cheeks.༺❀༻

In which Piers, age sixteen, catches his five-year-old baby sister her first Pokémon.

Written for Let's Go! Johto, a Johto Pokemon Zine

gen | 2.5k | T
November 2021 - February 2022

The water breaks against the rocks and the wind whistles sharply through the craggy area. Distantly, from deep within the cave, Kris hears the echo of a song.

She hears the crash of waves above her, feels the rush of water against her skin. A soft melody echoes through the water. There’s a crackle of electricity, a flash of lightning illuminating the silhouette of a great bird. She knows that shape, knows it in her heart.

She knows that song, feels it tugging at her soul and lets it drag her feet forward, out of the water and off the sand and into the dark cavern.

Kris can feel the pull to the Whirl Islands long before Clair tells her of the sightings of a great bird Pokemon, gliding smoothly just above the surface of the water. She has heard the song of the sea, seen it in the eyes of the violet Dragonair she met in the chilled depths of the Dragon's Den.

All she must do to meet her destiny is take the next step into the cavern.

Written for Comet, a Pokemon AStrology Zine

gen | 2.5k | T
March–June 2022

Leon is very good at covering up how tired he is. He’s got years of practice at it: carefully applied concealer or a blindingly bright grin or a perfectly timed “Charizard pose” and fears are assuaged, concerns waved off. The bone-deep exhaustion that permeates Leon’s daily routine remains a carefully kept secret, something hidden deep beneath the surface, easily brushed off as, “I didn’t sleep well last night,” or, “Had a hard workout yesterday, I’m just a bit tired today.”Charizard knows better.༺❀༻

Leon is tired and burnt out. Charizard pushes him into having some play time.

Written for Pokegeist, a Ghost-Type Pokemon Zine

gen | 2.8k | T
July–October 2022

Hop nods. “Right! Sounds like Ballonlea’s our best bet — we’ll head there first! Bede, you’re our guide: after you.”

Bede steps forward, withdrawing a torch from his pocket as they face the gloom of the Tangle. Allister reaches out and lays a hand on Bede’s, lowering the torch.

“T-true dark is the domain of ghosts,” he says at Bede’s quizzical look. “We should leave the lights off… wherever p-possible.”

Hop is on a mission from Sonia to find an authentic Sinistea. Allister and Bede are here as his guides, but the Glimwood Tangle may have other ideas for the trio...

Written for Fairy Dust & Iron Rust, a Fairy- and Steel-Type Pokemon Zine

gen | 2.6k | T
February–June 2023

“Every Fairy Specialist worth their salt should be able to raise a Sylveon,” Opal says, eyes sharp as she smirks. “I’ve noticed your proclivity for Psychic-types, but Ballonlea has been a Fairy-type Gym longer than I’ve been alive. That is what I brought you here to train.”Bede hesitates, his hand stilling over Eevee’s back. “I never…”“Well, call it a Wizard’s intuition,” Opal says with a bright gleam to her eyes. “Try for a Sylveon.”༺❀༻

While under Opal's tutelage, Bede takes the time to heal and to grow, and to find himself along the way.

༺❀༻ Winds of Hoenn Zine Fanfic ༺❀༻

gen | 711 | G
April–August 2022

Taking the stairs up leads one in a spiral around the tree trunk, past ferns and grasses, and past saplings and shrubs, and up into the canopy of the forest. Here, where the tops of emergent trees reach the sunlight and the leaves form a thick layer of shade over the rest of the forest’s undergrowth, the residents of Fortree City have made their home.༺❀༻

An exploration of Fortree City and its origins.

gen | 921 | G
April–August 2022

The golden light of the sunrise reflects on the waves and strikes the rocky heads of several Corsola as they swim about, darting underneath the platforms that the buildings rest upon to reach their colony’s home. The Corsola seem to shimmer, glittering in a rainbow that spreads like a halo on the waves around them. Small Horsea dart through the water alongside the Corsola, searching for hiding places in the rocky branches growing out of the Corsola’s heads.༺❀༻

Pacifidlog Town and its efforts to restore balance to its local ecosystems.

gen | 640 | G
April–August 2022

Route 115 has not changed much from the stories the Draconid people tell. It remains a peaceful stretch of shore, waves breaking upon clean white sand. Seafoam pools throughout the small bay, the shallow waters separated from the deeper ocean by a ring of boulders. Tentacool and Wailmer splash and croon in the rocky deep, bobbing to the surface with the swell of the sea. Wingull fight against the brisk sea breeze as Pelipper dive into the water and come up with their beaks full of seawater and fish. The shoreline crawls north, leading to dense forests.༺❀༻

An exploration of Meteor Falls, past and present.

gen | 1.2k | G
April–August 2022

Despite his firm grip on the helm, his shoulders are relaxed, and the Dragon Tamer exudes a sense of serenity, a calm born from decades of experience navigating the seas. It’s such a sharp contrast to the Drake who stood in the Battle Pike earlier in the day, tight-jawed and square-shouldered with a white-knuckled grip on his Poké Balls.༺❀༻

A character study of Elite Four member and Dragon Tamer Drake.

gen | 940 | G
April–August 2022

Galar’s Trainers cut their teeth on the maze-like navigations of Turffield and Hulbury, and Kabu’s game has caused many Trainers to give up, even after all these years as Gym Leader. Once a Trainer has reached Kabu, they must overcome the heat of his Fire-types — each one of which is well equipped to deal with even the swiftest of Water-types.༺❀༻

A biography of Kabu, detailing his exploits as a trainer in Hoenn and a Gym Leader in Galar.

gen | 2.6k | G
April–August 2022

“My mentor pushed me a lot,” Zinnia says. She kicks her legs, sitting on her hands and leaning forward, her arms tight at her sides. There’s a sadness in her eyes, one that lingers as she speaks of her childhood. “We all had the same dream, the same goal: make sure Hoenn survives. Make sure people live. It was a rough childhood, but it was necessary. The meteoroid was coming. We had to be ready.”༺❀༻

A memoir detailing Zinnia's childhood and her grief for Aster.

༺❀༻ Be Careful, Children ༺❀༻
That's a Lot of Classic Vines

a social media AU series

What Rose doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
And if Leon spends a solid two hours in his room that night going through Raihan’s ZigZag feed, earbuds in and eyes lingering on the glint of too-sharp canines and the splay of long fingers as Raihan flips his hand around while he narrates, well. That’s Leon’s business.

Raihan and the other gym leaders are all active on social media, while Leon? Leon is learning. In secret. And trying to keep his massive crush on his best friend secret as well.

In which Leon becomes Aware of Raihan's social media.
pre-relationship | 1.7k | M | June 2020

In which Raihan becomes Aware of Leon's social media.
raileon | wip | M | June 2020 - present

༺❀༻ Annals of the Dragon Tamers ༺❀༻

The Dragon Tamers and the Fae carry with them long, storied traditions, within Galar as well as deep in the lore of the other regions. Raihan has much to learn as he joins the Dragon's Summit.

i. Glitter Meside-stories to accompany the Annals, a series of one-shots detailing Leon's perspective as he and Raihan grow up, with a heavy emphasis on his experience with gender expression and identity.raileon, raipiersleontwt
ii. Colloquium Draconesa Hero's Journey featuring Raihan as he works with the other Dragon Tamers to learn of a dark intra-regional plot.raileon 
iii. Fairy Lights and Takeoutdetails Raihan's gym challenge and his rise to gym leader.raileon, raipiers 
iv. and if you're under hima side-story that takes place during Fairy Lights and Takeout. It details more of Piers and Raihan's friendship and relationship.raileon, raipiers 
v. The Slaugha deep dive into the fae-enchanted secrets surrounding Raihan's mother as Raihan learns how to take up her mantle.raileon, raipiersleon 
vi. untitledin which the Tamers and the Fae launch their counter-attack against the plot first encountered in Colloquium Draconesraileon, raipiersleon 

raileon | wip | T
May 2020 - present

He looks to where Hop’s tiny finger is pointing, and the Petilil mannequin that Hop has bestowed his attention on is wearing a deep purple gown with soft pink floral embroidered insets. The sleeves are long, the same pink as the center of the dress, and are crisscrossed with bands of the same violet as the skirts. The silver trim glints in the afternoon sun, and Hop sighs as they look at the display.“So pretty…”

༺❀༻ SK8 the Infinity Fanfic ༺❀༻

Written for Let's Go Together!, a SK8 the Infinity Zine

matchablossom | 3k | T
May - August 2021

Kaoru runs one fingertip along the deck's outer edge, then brings his hand up to hold tight to a wheel. He rubs a thumb along the flat of the wheel, wrist flexing to test the twist of the truck.“Alright, here it is — ah.”Kaoru glances up as Reki comes through the doorway, then back down to the board. “These are the wheels you used in your beef against Adam.”༺❀༻

A series of afternoons at Dope Sketch, in which Kaoru and Reki discover they're more similar than not & bond over skateboard builds.

Written for the SK8 the Infinity Big Bang

matchablossom | 20k | M
May 2021 - January 2022

featuring art by fishnobi on Twitter

“I’ve been…” Freaking out, because I’m in love with my best friend. Losing sleep working on this project that I don’t think I’ll finish on time. “…Angry.”Chisato carefully does not react to that, which Kaoru appreciates. The other two, they’ve talked about. Love and friendship and stress and anxiety. It’s been a long time since they’ve talked about anger. It’s been a long time since Kaoru got truly angry.“What have you been angry about?”“Adam’s back.”༺❀༻

Left behind in Okinawa by both Adam and Kojiro, Kaoru goes to therapy. An exploration of trauma, anxiety, and finding your found family.
or, the one where Kaoru gets a therapy cat & falls in love with his best friend.

Written for the Matchablossom Exchange

Written for bitterheartmatchablossom | 5.6k | T
June - October 2021

It’s different, being watched as you work your magick. Kojiro spends a lot of time in the kitchen at Sia La Luce, fixing up new recipes and practicing exactly what herbs to mix into his sauces, what tune to hum as he stirs the pasta as it boils, to create just the right outcome. His food creates luck, it cures heartbreak, it heals colds. And it might just be the thing to help ease Kaoru’s pain as he heals from Adam’s assault.༺❀༻

Kojiro issues an ultimatum when Kaoru leaves the hospital: either Kaoru stays at Kojiro's home while he heals, or Kojiro will stay at Kaoru's.

matchablossom | 2.5k | T
May 2021

Kaoru feels himself softening at the man’s tone. He’s polite, yes, but his voice is tinged by desperation. Slowly, against his better judgement, Kaoru lifts his gaze once more to meet the stranger’s deep red eyes.Kaoru is, by this point, well and truly fucked.༺❀༻

Or, Kaoru is just trying to go about his normal Saturday routine when he runs into an attractive stranger at the bus stop. Maybe it's not so bad to have his routine disrupted.

༺❀༻ Legend of Zelda Fanfic ༺❀༻

Sidon-centric | 3.8k | T
March–August 2021

It’s an odd feeling for him. He’s used to being outgoing, speaking so vibrantly to everyone and being the first to spark a conversation. And he still is, but he takes a moment’s pause before he speaks to Mipha.He isn’t quite certain how to speak to her. He used to know, once upon a time. Many years ago, for him, when he barely reached her knee and had to tilt his head back, back, back to meet her eyes.She’s the same Mipha he knew. Yet, as he looks down at her, knowing that had he not interfered, she would be dead right now, he hesitates.The last century has been long for Sidon, long and empty with a Mipha-shaped void hanging poignantly in the air.༺❀༻

Or, Sidon is given a second chance to get to know his sister. A Sidon-centric piece, focusing on his perspective through the events of Age of Calamity.

༺❀༻ OFMD Fanfic ༺❀༻

Written for Spring Tides, an Our Flag Means Death Zine

gentlebeard | 1.4k | T
July 2022

They slowly start to move again, stepping in time with Stede’s counting — “One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.” — and it feels like they’re gliding around the deck. Ed finds his feet moving without having to think about it much, and he lets himself focus on this moment. On the glow of the moon and stars beaming down upon them, on the soft click of their boots along the shining wood of the deck, on the softness of Stede’s hand in his own callused one.༺❀༻

Or, one moonlit evening, on the deck of the Revenge, Stede teaches Ed to waltz.

gentlebeard | WIP | T
April 2022 - present

We’re just not those kind of people, his mother’s voice says sadly in his ear, and he forcibly pushes down the urge to take Stede’s hands in his and pull him closer.༺❀༻

Or, Ed learns, slowly, bit by bit, to allow himself the softer, gentler things.

༺❀༻ Misc Fanfic ༺❀༻

Torchwood | Lisa/Ianto | 650 | TThe sun was warm on her skin. She stretched, letting the golden heat cover her back and shoulders. Lisa sighed in contentment and looked over to her left. Ianto slept on, his breathing slow and calm, pale skin glowing where the creeping sunlight hit it. She smiled at the sight, and reached out to stroke his cheek.

Torchwood | gen | 1.2k | M
major character death
Suzie Costello is a master in the art of lying.

Inkheart Trilogy | gen | 660 | TTaddeo, locked away in the Castle of Night, reflects on the Adderhead, Violante, Balbulus, the Bluejay, and himself.

Final Fantasy IX | gen | 604 | G"Hey, fool." Zidane paused, turned back to Baku. Baku looked at him sadly for a moment, then asked, "Did you find what you were looking for?"Zidane blinked, surprised, then huffed out a laugh."Naw, how can you find something when you don't know what it is?"

Original Characters

Former Champion of the Galar League, mother to Raihan, and wife to Inayat. Gwyneth is a Fairy-type specialist who was born and raised in Ballonlea, where she trained under Opal. She died when Raihan was six.

Father to Raihan and husband to Gwyneth, Inayat is from the noble families of Hammerlocke. He runs a small used bookshop in Hammerlocke, where he was born and raised. He and Raihan haven't spoken in over a decade.

Leon's personal assistant in the Battle Tower. She used to be a secretary at the front desk of Rose Tower, and was promoted after she challenged Leon about what changes he would make to the tower to make it different from Rose's reign. Barb hails from Unova and delights in getting Leon to say Unovan turns of phrase.

A chef and restaurant owner in Hammerlocke, Dennis is fiercely, proudly out as a trans man. Raihan frequented his restaurant as a child and teenager, and, through Raihan, Dennis was one of the first other trans men Leon met in person. Dennis is a staunch defender of queer youth in his area, and hosts a queer support network designed to help kids from unsupportive families.


I'm still kind of new to cosplaying more regularly, but I look forward to learning more with each and every project! I try to make as much of each cosplay as I can!

Tifa Lockart

༺❀༻ Final Fantasy VII Remake ༺❀༻

Cosplay made 2023–2024.
Armor designed, printed, + finished by ModeratelyOkayStuff on Etsy (custom fit).

Tifa Lockart

༺❀༻ Final Fantasy VII — Ever Crisis ༺❀༻

Summer 2023 Beach Event

Cosplay made 2024.
Armor on gloves designed, printed, + finished by ModeratelyOkayStuff on Etsy (custom fit).

Marcille Donato

༺❀༻ Delicious in Dungeon ༺❀༻

Cosplay made 2024.
fun note: i slammed this cosplay together in 12 days for Fanime 2024 LOL